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Posts for Tutorials Category
Custom Markers with Ar.js

Custom Markers with Ar.js

There are a bunch of tickets regarding how to get this working. Here is a step by step guide that has worked for me.

The first thing you have to do is modify the ar.js code to recognize a custom marker:


Once the above is added the entire statement should look like this:

The next step is to generate a custom marker. Using the marker tool. The background must be 240, 240, 240 before you upload it. If you upload your image with a transparent or white background it wont work.

Here is one you...

CarrierWave MiniMagick and Rails 4 Tutorial

CarrierWave MiniMagick and Rails 4 Tutorial

In this tutorial we will create the ability to upload an image, resize an image based on any defined pixels and whitelist file extension...

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I am working on Augmented Reality Experiences at Gem Joy.

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